Potty Training Yorkie
Crate train your Yorkshire Terrier
It’s time you should. Countrywide, millions of dog owners have come to value the benefits of crate-training dogs. Crate training is one of the few practical approaches to help dogs with emotional and physical behaviour problems such as anxiety and aggression.
This allows them to hold over a space they can call their own, so they no longer sleep on your couch or bed. Furthermore, it is also effective in preventing a clash between your dog and a newly adopted puppy.
The Value of Potty Training Yorkie
A crate is a home for every dog. It offers convenience and safety just like any home. Even in the wild, dogs often seek spaces that could keep them warm and safe from environmental threats. However, dogs thriving in open spaces have grown manipulative over their places, often having great dominance that leads to aggression.
Potty Training Yorkie | How to Crate Train Your Dog
As soon as you adopt a puppy, crate training should also start. Crate training is ideally done in puppies as mature dogs have grown with values already. Training them to own a new space would be immensely more challenging if these dogs were used to sleeping within the family’s rooms and properties.
A puppy has never grown with values yet; thus, providing a crate will give him no option to sleep in the owner’s bed or couch.
In crate training, not letting your Yorkshire Terrier feel alone in his own space is essential. Thus, most dog trainers recommend providing a crate within the house where he can freely mingle with everyone.
You may put his crate in one of the bedrooms at night to make him feel safe and loved. Your puppy will probably get used to sleeping in his place in a month or so.
When putting your pet in the crate, ensure it is clean and comfortable to sleep in. Provide clean rags or old clothes to keep him warm at night, as well as give him access to clean water and toys.
Nevertheless, do not provide a crate that’s too big to prevent your puppy from playing and making a mess. A crate should only have a little space, but just comfortable enough for him to move freely when sleeping.
When disciplining your Yorkshire Terrier, never pull him out of the crate to show affection. This will only tell him you give him attention when he makes mistakes.
He must surrender and stay calm for at least five minutes before you can treat him with something. With this, he will associate the reinforcement with staying calm.
Leave your puppy in the crate for several weeks for a short period, maybe for an hour or two. Over time, as he grows older, he gets used to staying in the crate when everyone’s at work or sleep.
A crate-trained puppy is never anxious and never gets too noisy when left alone. He learns to be independent and self-reliant. If your Yorkshire Terrier shows an attitude like this, you can be proud of yourself for a well-done job.